Monday, July 10, 2006

Alcoholics Anonymous

There is a health food shop situated in the new (and uninventive airport lounge-like) main entrance building at my hospital. For the last week they've been running a half-price sale and even they must be surprised at the number of people that have suddenly developed a fondness for dried prunes and fig juice.

I jumped on the bandwagon by using the opportunity to sample their temptingly packaged ginger beer. An FOTB colleague who was watching my purchase with initial amusement and then growing shock felt compelled to confirm a nagging doubt

Me: Yes, ginger beer
FOTB: Beer. You are drinking alcohol?
Me: What do you reckon?
FOTB: It is beer?
Me: You know I'm a teetotaller. Putting that aside though, if I was going to start knocking back grandma's old cough medicine, it'd be pretty outrageous to start in full public view, in a hospital, on duty, don't you think?
FOTB: So it is not beer?
Me: Something like that


Anonymous said...

It's an aqcuired taste, isn't it...bit like marmite. I sometimes buy some to get a small kick only to regret it subsequently. Bit like drinking chilli vinegar really.


Leo_Africanus said...

For some reason (probably a lexical one) I seem to have a sort of brand loyalty towards Idris Fiery Ginger Beer.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's better than that yeast drink you offered me in my first year at uni.

Diet Coke.

Anonymous said...

yeast drink? like liquid marmite?
Glad to see you got some kind of a hazing were getting it too easy.

BTW. I saw Yvonne Ridley on the Islam channel give you guys a slating when the MCB announced you were colluding with them to send money to Iraqi doctors. "why are they [MCB] in bed with these people!!..."


Anonymous said...

and by "you" I mean KSI, of course

Leo_Africanus said...

Supermalt if I remember correctly. Destroyed you.

Leo_Africanus said...

Yvonne Ridley wishes she was KSI so has to opt for the alternative.