Yet another protracted spell away from the Blogosphere comes to an end and all is right with the world. Whatever could be the reason this time? Holidaying? (again!) Focusing on work? (a first!) Illness? (do doctors become unwell?) No, no and no.
The answer to my cyber-sabbatical lies somewhat cryptically in the accompanying image. Those are indeed Leo's very own hooves sporting a bit of pedal bling a la Sinbad. The fancy dress accessorised a transformative moment in my life; I had my nikah recited and have pledged myself to my soulmate, The Digressive Mind.
In doing so, I'm now leading intergalactic contender for the coveted title of happiest man in existence.
The rukhsati and walimah are lined up for Autumn of this year. I've never been so finely attuned to the changing of seasons; A man for all seasons.
MashaAllah! Congratulations :D
Where are the virtual sweets :D
Don't even mention sweets: real or virtual.
My better half's uncle described their house in the aftermath of the nikah as a 'mithai dump'!
Green barfi still heads the leader board. An all time classic.
Also, well done on an insightful and brilliant piece in EMEL magazine today. It has certainly inspired me to take a trip out to Fez at some point.
>Green barfi still heads the leader board. An all time classic.
Ewwww! I prefer them lemon shaped ones (cham cham I think).
Since you are an expert on Morocco - any tips on must see's/visits in Marrakech? Going to head out in July i'A.
(former Smartie!)
Smartie/Babooshka - I'm afraid my Morocco expertise extends to no more than Fez and its envrions.
Out of interest, why the name change?
elusive-ethnic - thanks!
>Smartie/Babooshka - I'm afraid my Morocco expertise extends to no more than Fez and its envrions.
Pah! Primitive ;)
>Out of interest, why the name change?
Stalker alert hence I thought taking a new ID might help. Also, I like Kate Bush's music :)
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