Monday, March 07, 2005

Mohali beckons as the rivalry is renewed - India vs Pakistan

Let the battle commence. As always, I'm supporting the winner (thereby simultaneously irritating as many people as possible AND failing the Tebbit test!)


Anonymous said...,,1321278,00.html

Leo_Africanus said...

I rate this guy. He's even got a book in the pipeline - Greetings from bury park.

Anonymous said...

Yea he writes some interesting stuff. He was on BBC2 recently with Luton Actually ( I missed it myself but heard it was good.

Anonymous said...

ps. you're loving this blog ting too much.

Mind hacks is phat!

Leo_Africanus said...

I managed to catch the entire 'Pakistani, Actually' evening of documentaries. Some refreshing touches such as actual featuring of speakers conversant in English (other than the unfortunately ubiquitous, and rapidly approaching nemesis status, Ziauddin Sardar). Hanif Kureishi came across as very erudite and this Green Party geezer from Luton who fasted for the whole of Ramadhan was a hero!