Rancilio Silvia, Home ©Tauseef Mehrali 2006
Mid-pour, Home ©Tauseef Mehrali 2006
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Home of the carnivorous espressoholic cogniscienti.
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two cups eh... who's the lucky lady?
(not "it's" auntie i hope)
Redemption does not come from presumption and assumption regarding consumption.
But the resumption of consumption with a strong dose of gumption for the preemption of rejection of seduction will get you far (not the I'm an expert or anything)
PS that's a nervous "Hahaha".
Your assertion is worthy of an exemption but your accusation is in need of substantiation. In fact, I'd recommend a superogatory ablution.
ive seen you drink more than 2 cups!
Oooops, sorry
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